What makes Costa Rica art unique?
I am doing my research paper on The Arts of Costa Rica. My main focus is to find the uniqueness of the arts and cover the secrets of the special critiques in each individual painting’s represented at popular art galleries in Costa Rica. My 3 controlling ideas are “How was art created in Costa Rica?”, Who and what are the most famous paintings in costa Rica?”, and “The background about the paintings and artists.”
Costa Rica is known for its vacation spots and activities but has very little recognition in the arts that are being portrayed in these vacation spots. For example, the sculpture pieces and paintings that are being represented in the beach resorts and the beautiful vibrant statues that are located in the national parks for hiking. And I am here to research the answer and meaning to the uniqueness of the features represented.

If you are ever around the capital; San Jose is the spot for many art festivals and museums. There are many art tours in san Jose; art city tour takes place once every two months this tour is free and friendly welcome. There are 3 or 4 different locations spread throughout Costa Rica’s capitol. The pre-Columbian gold museum; it is the only museum housed underground holding many archeologists’ trinkets and visual arts. The most popular art museum is The Museum of Contemporary Art and Design; it features multiple contemporary paintings and design and is celebrating the Costa Rica international arts festival. Last but not least the old custom building “La Antigua Aduana”, it hosts several interesting and diverse products created by local Costa Rican designers such as coffee maker, and other house hold things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=281&v=4Os-hq7hI_U.
I would say the most challenging part about this research paper is finding the actual answer to my research question “What makes Costa Rica art so unique?” To me there are many answers to this question. So far, I have found Costa Rica arts very amusing and colorful compare to the art pieces in European art and American art. I personally think Costa Rica art is different through the historical events that happen in the country and the colors are so vibrant and bright I feel like it gives off an exotic theme like the wonderful rainforests that are located in Cost Rica.
During this research paper I have learned more about how art can really change one’s aspect of life and how to critique art in a professional way through describing what you see, seeking elements, lines, colors, space, light and the meaning of these particular elements. I plan to research more about the facts of my research question and not just based on what I see.
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